Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Corpture VI - Athem!!

Sanctity In Satire

Desquamated handlings of an unseasy kind.

Chorus companions and Gorbing crimws.
Chastity sold lyart lafts
Tainted seals and unfinished drafts.'

"Begin with what procures"

Take away happiness and saint in close ended, take away regions and leave them serenaded.
The urge to Yearm on recirprocal gift giving. What wrong commited and deals un-through.

When shall the stars disappear and let there be no light as we have one so non-unassuming a scar to pavidize the regime to. To captivate CORPTUREs and to redeem seldom ignored customs.


Waiting reaps rewards, rewards purchase dreams, dreams come undone, shrouded with venom, absence of spleen.
Water parks and orange bars, TV towers and cosmic stars, Taken aliens and mutilated chores, slowhands and commercialzied whores.A trull wanting out, supremacy rages supreme, no questions asked and no answers made, no karma cried and no dark vexers. Run corners, trun one hundred eighty and let them speak what is said, let them say what they be told, let others be expressed in other terms.
Stuck in reverse, for longer than ever, basic chronia and latest talk. Gear movement and refreshed pages..

Etymology and similar views, blood and trabecular tissues
Dharma for one, cultured arteries so refused
Anger to vent, Tractate Berachoth unused
Abdomen pain, Viscosity through anal tubes.

Corpture V - Amphigory!!

Every moment is a loss!!Tear!!
Wasn' t the thought the thought?
The thought,wasn't it one on its own!!
Why doesnt nothing hold true??

In Narcoma

We can't tell..
You, so jinxed and juxtaposed, so refrained and revered, harmless yet hated.
You, so un-needed, so bated with breath, commanding respect.
You, so cultured, so trusted, so bathed in precipitate.

Cultivated to the margin
revoked prior entry
locked thoughts stay
you, so elementary.


Rise is fall, fall leads to rise, rise leads to rise..rise!!


When i say what i said, maybe i made little sense. But the vagueness was emancipated as wildly as a story grimed in delight of what had been.
The moment a pause seems like play is the rewind's turn to be noticed. We all wake up hoping to have a better day than yesterday, thereby, making ourselves so controlled in our thoughts to accept the best.

There be many moments we wished we could stop and hear nothing forward of!!The record proclaims me, calls an entire night to be fixed, its dangerous to accept yet we walk towards the dark making it our only calling, our only light.
Since when was the dark our light?

Show me the way, yes, not because im confused, just to verify as to who are you?
Guide me away, no, not because you are true, im the one unpreturbed.

Aubade in augur
irresistable avanage
lyssophobia unimagined
a warison xeniun.

Trouble within a CORPTURE

Fobade!!I bid!!

Look from behind your yashmak and its all emacity!!Sleep!!

Corpture IV - Incomplete!!


Its done!! As blatantly changed at orange to pink!!

Tomorrow is at the moment,less than 23 hours away and while i make this i hope my influence wont sway!!

Iv come to realize that nothing beats the joy of being all alone!!Travelling all across with no one to look towards and aural senses devoid of chatter,No Code and the distress signals seem as just an attempt to divert and digress the ongoings.

Hang On!!